Training school Spitsbergen

COST Working Group meeting, Action CA21159, Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices (PhoBioS).


Various biological surfaces are known to be covered by elaborated micro- and nano-structures, serving a number of functions (e.g. anti-reflective, structural coloration, anti-fouling, pro- or anti-adhesive, etc.) and inspiring numerous industrial applications. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable boost in research in this field. To a large extent, this boost owes to the increasing interdisciplinary of approaches being applied to the study of structured biosurfaces. Sciences as different as classical zoology and botany are inseminated with the advances in genetics and molecular biology; biologists collaborate more and more with nanotechnologists, materials scientists and engineers – all these contribute to the widening of the horizons of research on micro- and nano-structured biological surfaces, and to biomimetic and bioengineering applications of these surfaces in industry. We aim at ‘riding the wave’ of these developments with our proposal. The main goal of the COST Action “Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices” is to bring together scientists coming from distinct disciplines into this vibrant field of research, focusing on the photonic effects of nano-and micro-structuring of biological surfaces and their bionic applications. Our consortium will ensure cross-inspiration among the different participants coming from different research fields and will boost innovation in research and eventual industrial developments.


Selection Process Summary

We received 28 applications to participate in the Training School as students. Due to the significant interest in participating in the school, a decision was made to increase the number of people who can receive reimbursement for participation in the school from COST funds to 16. All candidates received information about the result of the procedure by e-mail. Candidates who did not qualify for reimbursement of participation may take part in the school provided they cover the costs of arrival and stay on their own and declare their willingness to participate by the beginning of next week (March 25). All school participants should register themselves as participants of the CA21159 action and select the WG.

Dear school participants,

If any of you are interested in booking accommodation together at the Svalbard Hotell – The Vault (2 people in a room), please send an urgent message (this weekend – till March 24th) to the e-mail address (DW:

If you have preferences regarding a roommate, please indicate.


Selection Rules Announcement

CA21159-PhoBioS offers a limited financial support to Trainees (eligible members of PhoBioS, as
defined in the Annotated Rules for COST Actions, i.e., only from Members or from Near Neighbour
Countries) to attend Training Schools. Daily allowance is approx. 190 EUR/day (up to 4 days) while
cost of travel – 650 EUR. The selection will be based on applications and on the following priorities:

1. The scientific and/or professional profile of Candidates must be consistent with scientific
goals of CA21159-PhoBioS. Preference will be given to candidates from fields such as
photonics, ICT, biology, biomedicine, environmental protection and material science.

2. Additionally, at each stage of the selection process, participation in scientific and research
projects will be rewarded and should be indicated in the application (number, funder, title of
the project, role of the applicant, approximate budget).

3. Additionally, at each stage of the selection process, students’ previous participation in
research carried out in the polar regions or closely related to this topic will be rewarded,
which should be specified in the application (number, funder, title of the project, role of the
applicant, approximate budget, date and place of stay in the polar zone).

4. Priorities during subsequent selection steps will be as follows:
a. Ph.D. students (one grant per Country),
b. while grants still available – M.Sc. students (one grant per Country),
c. while grants still available – Young Researchers – up to 35 years old (one grant per
d. while grants still available – Ph.D. students (possible more than one grant per
e. while grants still available – M.Sc. students (possible more than one grant per
f. while grants available – Young Researchers – up to 35 years old (possible more than
one grant per Country),
g. while grants available, other applicants.

5. In any of the above steps, ICT countries and gender balance will be taken for resolving

6. Applicants should use the Trainee Application Form. Applications can be submitted form
01.03.2024 to the e-mail address: Deadline of application for sending
is 17.03.2024

7. Trainees will be granted travel cost refund and an amount based on a daily allowance (both
up to limit). Prior to the Training School, each Trainee granted financial support must
register at e-COST,, namely by creating a profile that includes the
details of a bank account for payment.

8. Trainees aim are as follows:
a. meeting and networking with peers and leaders of the area and, build the next
generation of researchers,
b. getting critical knowledge and skills to deepen their own research,
c. creating potential for career opportunities.

Photonic structure in Arctic enviroment: 23/04/2024 - 25/04/2024

Meeting Programme


Benedykt R. Jany

Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics,
Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and
Applied Computer Science,
Jagiellonian University,
Lojasiewicza 11, 30348
Krakow, Poland

Virgil-Florin Duma

Polytechnic University of Timisoara,
National University of Science and Technology “Politehnica” Bucharest (Romania)

Janis Spigulis

Biophotonics Laboratory at Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia (Riga)
More details

Paweł Wityk

Gdańsk University of Technology
Mecical Univeristy of Gdańsk

Vladimir Katanaev

Université de Genève (CH), Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cell
Physiology and Metabolism (Switzerland)

Aneta Luczkiewicz

Faculty of Civil And Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)

Dominika (Saikkonen-) Dabrowska,

Formosa Arctica, Svalbard

Venue & Travel

The meeting will take place at Spitsbergen Kunstnersenter / Artists Center
Address: Vei 100.02, Longyearbyen, Svalbard

How to reach Longyearbyen ?

By Airplane:

Longyearbyen Airport (LYR). It is the only airport on the island. From the airport you can get to the hotel and the conference venue by bus or taxi.

Hotels in Longyearbyen:

We suggest and offer group bookings due to the nature of the city and the limited number of hotel rooms available at this time.