COST WG meeting Malaga

COST Working Group meeting, Action CA21159, Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices (PhoBioS). WG Meeting will take place on 28-29th of September 2023 in Malaga, Spain. Event will be organised by Michal Kruczkowski from MINDSOFT.AI and Sebastian Garcia Galan from Universidad de Jaen.


Various biological surfaces are known to be covered by elaborated micro- and nano-structures, serving a number of functions (e.g. anti-reflective, structural coloration, anti-fouling, pro- or anti-adhesive, etc.) and inspiring numerous industrial applications. Recent years have witnessed a remarkable boost in research in this field. To a large extent, this boost owes to the increasing interdisciplinary of approaches being applied to the study of structured biosurfaces. Sciences as different as classical zoology and botany are inseminated with the advances in genetics and molecular biology; biologists collaborate more and more with nanotechnologists, materials scientists and engineers – all these contribute to the widening of the horizons of research on micro- and nano-structured biological surfaces, and to biomimetic and bioengineering applications of these surfaces in industry. We aim at ‘riding the wave’ of these developments with our proposal. The main goal of the COST Action “Understanding interaction light – biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices” is to bring together scientists coming from distinct disciplines into this vibrant field of research, focusing on the photonic effects of nano-and micro-structuring of biological surfaces and their bionic applications. Our consortium will ensure cross-inspiration among the different participants coming from different research fields and will boost innovation in research and eventual industrial developments.



Venue & Travel​

The exact location for the next WG Meeting in Malaga is Sallés Hotel Málaga Centro
See you there on 28-29 September 2023!

Host of the meeting

Michal Kruczkowski is an accomplished professional with extensive
experience in the implementation of AI algorithms in accordance with the
fourth industrial revolution. With a strong background in business and
academia, he has successfully led numerous projects related to digital
transformation and education. His expertise is primarily focused on safety
systems and predictive modelling in healthcare, and he currently leads a
multidisciplinary data science research group that conducts cutting-edge
research on applied artificial intelligence and predictive modelling. In addition,
Michal is a dedicated educator who has introduced over 100 students each
year to the most relevant techniques and applications of AI and predictive
modelling. Follow Michal for insights into the latest developments in AI and
predictive modelling, as well as updates on his ongoing research and
educational initiatives.

Host of the meeting

Sebastián García Galán  Born in Jaén (Spain) in 1969. He obtained the Master in
Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Malaga in 1995 and
in 2004 he obtained the degree of Doctor in Telecommunications
Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After obtaining
the Master, he joined the University of Jaén in 1995. In 2009 he
achieved the accreditation and appointment to Associate Professor. In
2023 he obtained the appointment as Full Professor of University. He has
taught undergraduate courses in Telecommunication Engineering and
master’s degree courses in the field of ICTs. In terms of research,
Sebastián García Galán has been a member of the „Tratamiento de Señales
y Sistemas de Telecomunicación” (TIC188) research group since 2001. He
is the author of a patent and he has published more than 30 research
papers in international journals included in the Journal Citation
Reports (JCR) and more than 60 papers in prestigious national and
international conferences. He has also participated in several research
projects funded by public calls, being principal investigator in a
project funded by the Government of Spain, two projects funded by the
Junta de Andalucía, and a project funded by the University of Jaén. He
has participated in numerous R&D contracts with private companies, being
the principal investigator in several technological development
projects, having directed three doctoral theses, one of them with
European mention. He is also an advisor to the Spanish National Agency
for Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP) in the area of Electronics and
Communications Technology since 2009. He has held university management
positions at the University of Jaén: Vice-Dean 2004-2012 and Dean of the
Higher Engineering School of Linares 2012-2020, having been responsible
for 8 bachelors and 5 official masters, two of them leading to regulated
profession. He has five five-year teaching periods, three six-year
research periods and five autonomous sections. He has also taught
university extension courses in the field of ICTs.