PhoBioS Training School - International School on Photonics: A Confluence of Knowledge in Belgrade, Serbia
In the realm of scientific inquiry, the PhoBioS Training School – International School on Photonics, scheduled from August 28 to September 01, 2023, emerges as a pivotal event. Held in the picturesque city of Belgrade, Serbia, this gathering beckons researchers and Ph.D. students from around the world to embark on a profound journey into the intricate world of photonics.
PHOTONICA2023 will include five days of tutorials, keynote and invited lectures, progress reports, contributed talks, and poster presentations. It is conceived as a school for educating young scientists and a conference facilitating the exchange of new ideas and knowledge in cutting-edge research in Europe and beyond. It brings together not only scientists from academic and government research institutions but also partners from the high-tech industry.
The International School and Conference on Photonics – PHOTONICA, is a biennial event held in Belgrade since 2007. Originally called ISCOM (International School and Conference on Optics and Optical Materials), it was later renamed to reflect its aims as a forum for educating young scientists, exchanging knowledge and ideas, and fostering collaboration in emerging areas of photonic science and technology.
A particular educational feature of the program is to enable students and young researchers to benefit from the event by providing introductory lectures preceding the most recent results in many topics covered by the regular talks. Apart from the regular lectures, the plenary speakers also give tutorial lectures specifically designed for students and scientists new to the field.
The Conference consists of oral presentations and vibrant poster sessions. The organizers aim to provide a platform for discussing new developments and concepts within various disciplines of photonics by bringing together researchers from academia, government, and industrial laboratories for scientific interaction, showcasing new results, and debating future trends. In addition to the official program, participants will have plenty of opportunities to network during planned free time and social events.