Dissemination Conference grant.

In each period one PhoBioS member can be granted by maximum two grants among STSM, VM, ITC or dissemination grant. In case of limited budget the priority will be given to those who applied for the first time in this budget period (providing that scientific part and justification are accepted by CG)


• Significantly increase visibility of the Action in the research community, can contribute to increasing visibility of the presenter

• Attract additional participants and stakeholders and disseminate Action results to relevant end-users at high profile Conferences in the field on a topic relevant to the Action.

• Priority will be given to presentations that effectively disseminate the research outcomes conducted by PhoBioS members, with particular emphasis on the results stemming from the Virtual Mobility Grant and Short-Term Scientific Mission.


• Dissemination Conference Grantee: receives support for attending and presenting the Action, their activities, and results (oral presentation) at a conference fully organized by a third party, and/or for developing new contacts and potential future collaborations;

• COST Action: receives increased visibility and awareness, new contacts with potential stakeholders.

Financial Support

Eligible expenses

  • Contribution to travelling, accommodation and subsistence expenses

  • registration fee

  • printing of scientific poster

  • overall effort

  • up to 2000€ for participation in face-to-face meeting

  • up to 500€ for contribution to virtual conference

Reporting and claim for payment of the grant

The required report/documentation for claiming a Dissemination Conference Grant are:

  • Report to the Action MC on the contacts made and potential for future collaborations;

  • The certificate of attendance,

  • the programme of the conference or book of abstracts / proceedings indicating the oral presentation of the grantee

  • Grants are paid by the Grant Holder after the completion of the activity and approval of all required report/documentation

How to apply?

To apply for a Dissemination Conference grant, please create an account on e-COST or log into your account.

Please find all templates on e-COST in the section COST Actions – Grant Applications – Apply for grant. Please select Dissemination Conference grant and continue your application.